Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Some interesting C++ Tricks

Awesome C++ tricks

1). Print anything in C++ without using semicolon:

This is a very common C++ question which sometimes may be asked by any of your friends or given as a challenge to you . But trust me after doing this problem you will say "It was nothing at all."

Here's the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
int main(){
    if(printf("Hello World")){
        //and you are done

Understanding the program:

For doing this question a person must know about the usage and working of the printf and scanf functions.

printf() function not only prints on the screen but also returns the number of characters printed by it on the screen. Now in this case any string inside printf returns a value greater than 0 to the if condition, which makes it true and hence the program prints on the screen without any error and semicolon!!.

2). Printing a semicolon without using the semicolon:

This question is almost similar to the above question but here the only knowledge required is of the ascii value of the special characters like semi colon. 

As we know the ASCII value of semi colon is 59 hence in the above question, just by replacing the Hello world with {  printf("%c",59)  }

Friday, 5 February 2016

Gnome : The Desktop Environment for UI Geeks

Hey friends, this post is focused on introducing you all to the Gnome Desktop Environment, which is focused on providing the users a charming User interface along with powerful workspace like capabiities.

So let's start by the lock screen:

Default lock screen

The lock screen in Gnome is clean and simple which shows you the pending notifications and also the time along with date and day. The top bar shows the username and also the battery and connectivity status.

Coming to the desktop part of the gnome, there's not much to see when it logs in. By default the desktop icons are hidden and hence you are greeted with a blank screen featuring your wallpaper.

But upon clicking the super(Win) button you will see an interface that gives you the access to multiple desktops and also to all the apps installed.

The overall UI is so clean and refreshing that you will not feel that feeling of using linux as you would on a debian machine.

This Desktop environment can be downloaded as a default with ubuntu or can also be installed on your existing unity or KDE desktop environment by using terminal. Stay tuned for a further post about instructions on this process.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

The text editor you will fall in love with

A C code being written in Sublime Text 3

From the time when we start learning HTML , while most of us start on Windows or a MacBook having notepad and TextEdit respectively.

The problems with this texteditors comes when you have to code in a language of your choice.

Things like proper indentation, The appropriate termination of braces, syntax highlighting and most of all the syntax completion, are the most important things we look in a god text editor.


As the sublime text makers say "The text editor you will fall in love with", this is one text editor that people around the world prefer because of its portability and scalability.

Trust me when you start using sublime text , you will regret that why in the world you used notepad!

Click here to download it today and start coding.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Some fun with terminal

Some funny terminal commands on linux that will make you awe-struck

People generally think that the linux terminal is only a weird black box which most of the hackers use, but you know what its just a way to represent the GUI functionality without the need of GUI.
For getting  a steam locomotive run through your terminal window just type in the command by first pressing ctrl + alt + T to open the terminal and then type sudo apt-get install sl.
This will install the package on your ubuntu machine.

Now you can execute this package anytime you like by just typing in 'sl' and press enter.
A steam locomotive will run through your terminal screen.
Well its just so funny to watch it.

Get ready for some more awesome posts on the linux terminal.