Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Getting started with MEAN stack

MEAN stack

MEAN stack which is the short form for MongoDb , ExpressJs AngularJs and Nodejs is the stack that is currently gaining a lot of popularity among the Web Developers.

The best thing which I personally feel in this stack is that all of the development happens in only one language i.e JavaScript.

Since all the above standing for MEAN are JavaScript libraries hence the development environment is very lightweight and doesn't require learning many things. You master the complete stack at once.

Taking the stack's components individually, let's start with Nodejs:

Nodejs is the server side language. This is the language that you will be using on server to handle the requests which your angular app will be sending to you. Its completely in Javascript and also comes with a package manager called npm(Node package Manager).

NPM is very helpfull in setting up your project.

Going over to ExpressJs:

    ExpressJs is a very lightweight framework for NodeJs that helps you in shortening the entire code you write  by giving you inbuilt functions to perform the tasks. Also this is the part you will rely on for routing and other such tasks.


AngularJs is what I would regard as the best thing that any developer could do with Js. Talking about it , from the ground up it feels so powerful. With the MVC architecture its data binding between the controller and view is so awesome. There is so much to talk about Angular that this short intro is not enough.


MongoDB is a no SQL database designed to be used with the MEAN stack. It is no SQL means that it doesn't store the data in the form of tables and rows but stores them in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) compatible form. Also it has enhanced features like data sharding which lack in mysql.

Some links to start learning Mean Stack:

  • First of all, have a good grip on HTML,CSS and JavaScript.

  • Start by learning basics of angular by reading the docs on the website of AngularJS

  • Here are some tutorials from youtube that I found good: MEAN stack Intro

  • This is the link for a series of 5 videos that will teach you to make a very nice contact list app : Part (1/5) Building a Contact list App

For any further questions please leave in the comments section below. Have a great MEAN time.